The "Bacheca Elettronica" Project is an information panel that is placed in any site and place, such as squares, streets, town halls, etc. The project is promoted by the Municipal Administrations, through the company Benaht Italy, to convey and disseminate information and notices to the citizens as well as news of public interest.
The electronic bulletin board is about 2.60 meters wide, with a height of 1.60 meters, and has a variable message led display and graphic and video images with a brightness that makes reading perfect both day and night . The information can be stored and distributed on multiple pages that will alternate automatically. Besides having Clock, Date and Temperature.
The project also includes urban furniture such as planters, bike racks and baskets for undifferentiated. "The electronic bulletin board is a way to give more information to citizens - as stated by the mayors who joined the project.
They say: we could achieve it with a minimum daily contribution of Euro 13.20 "EVEN THE COST OF A WALL MANIFESTO".
A very useful, effective and fast service with which citizens can stay informed on a daily basis about work, deadlines, information of public utility and urgency, which is part of the overall communication system of each Municipality.